Notice to Neighbors
of Upcoming Neighborhood Meeting re: Rezoning
Subject: Neighborhood meeting for rezoning 1915 Boulevard Street, Greensboro, NC from Assisted Living to Social Services Facility and Office Use: Category 2. The Social Service Facility will be limited to 43 beds.
Specifically, The Servant Center, a local nonprofit agency, proposes to use the building for three primary functions:
1. 21 beds for disabled veterans experiencing homelessness. The Servant Center has been operating this program, called Servant House, since 1999. The facility is currently located in the Glenwood neighborhood.
2. 22 Medical Respite beds. Medical respite care is acute and post-acute medical care for people experiencing homelessness who are too ill or frail to recover from a physical illness or injury on the streets, but who are not ill enough to be in a hospital.
3. Office space for administrative and direct service staff (case managers, housing specialists, disability specialists, CNAs, etc.).
Date and Time of Meeting: Thursday, August 29, 2024; at 12:00 pm
Location of Meeting: https://bit.ly/46Qil9D
(Mtg ID: 232-930-065-151 and Passcode: yxJYc4.
You can also access a live link at https://www.theservantcenter.org/news
Applicant: The Servant Center, Inc.
Zoning Case Number: Z-24-09-005
We have filed a Rezoning Request with the Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission for our approximately 1.5-acre parcel located at 1915 Boulevard Street, Greensboro, NC. More information about the rezoning process in Greensboro is available at https://Greensboro-nc.gov/zoning.
As recommended by the Greensboro Planning Department, we will hold a Neighborhood meeting prior to the Commission’s Public Hearing to discuss our proposal with members of the community. We have sent you this letter because records indicate you own or reside at a property close to ours.
We are excited to share this proposal with you and to answer any questions you may have. If you have questions before the meeting, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at sreece@theservantcenter.org or 336-275-8585 x 504.
Shanna Reece
Shanna T. Reece
Executive Director
View Shanna Reece's Interview on FOX8
The Servant Center helps unhoused veterans in Greensboro | FOX8 WGHP
2024 Triad Stand Down Media Advisory
Contact: Michael Hill, Director of Development/Marketing
Phone: 336-275-8585
Email: mhill@theservantcenter.org
Date: September 13, 2024
What: The Triad Stand Down is a one-day event at which veterans who are experiencing homelessness can access critical services that will improve their well-being and lead to income and housing.
Services to include:
Health - Vision - & Other Medical Housing Services
Employment Opportunities
Mental Health Services
Tax Prep
Lunch & Giveaways
When: Friday, September 13th 9am - 2pm
Where: Providence Baptist Church 1106 Tuscaloosa St. Greensboro NC 27406
Why: Last year, Guilford County had more than 230 of its veterans who experienced homelessness.
How: Transportation Provided from Following Locations
The Servant Center 1305 Glenwood Ave @8:00AM
Greensboro Transit Bus Route 4/23 and GT Heat Route # 5024